Ceasing the colorful sights of life, to give that moment immortality is the beautiful and eternal art of the photography. The time and its lurches that keep surpassing us every second don't let us contemplate the ultimate beauties of nature and life around us. The phenomenal glance we have somewhere may not let us enjoy it again ever as the places stay but people keep going. So for captivating that particular scene of beauty or the astonishing sight if life we use our camera eye, to stop that moment where it is and to become an eternal serenity for our eyes. A camera can see what we can,t because its eye is not in hurry like our's. So once's its been clicked that moment become immortal and a joy forever. Like all the beauties some miseries are also gathered by this art. The picture of an injured baby of Syria with flood of tears in his glittering eyes can only be seen by other world through a picture wonder- camera and the stupendous are of photography. It takes us where we can't ever be . A magical art of talking you to the other part of the world and to imprison the moment you just lived is photography. People do photography as hobby  but some have passion of it, and their passion is rejoiced by rest of the world also for endless time . A virtue in its ways and the phenomenal art of preserving the alluring and delightful moments of the highness of our nature and of humanity is the ultimate photography. Capture and cease the life on lease.

success is not final. failure is not fatal: 
it is the courage to continue that counts 
                                  (Winston Churchill) 


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